Support Face3D

Face3D is above all an idea, born of the will of doctors operating on behalf of the Sant'Orsola General Hopsital and of entrepreneurs.
It is a socially useful non-profit association free of partisan bias and apolitical that carries out its charitable work with a particular focus on the fields of Oral Surgery and Cranio-Maxillo-Facial Surgery.

Each new conquest in medicine is achieved by means of research in order to be ever more useful for those who suffer. It is therefore thanks to research that we have discovered treatment solutions that only a mere few years ago were inconceivable.
Face3D actively pursues activities of social solidarity, dedicated particularly to the development of research projects in Oral and Cranio-Maxillo-Facial Surgery. Nevertheless, its work also includes the formation of scholarships and doctoral fellowships, research grants and the creation of project-based professional roles.
The fronts to which the organization is committed are many: we act to improve the quality of pedagogy and teaching, to contribute to the spread of awareness and the knowledge of the oral and cranio-maxillo-facial surgical fields alongside the civil, institutional, and academic society and moreover to adopt healthcare technology that could improve the quality of care to adult and pediatric patients afflicted by oral and cranio-maxillo-facial pathologies.
If you believe in our project...
...if you share our goals...
...if you too believe that progress cannot exist without research... us fund scientific research!
Your support is of great value to us as it enables us to develop our ideas. Thank you!

We have arranged a selection of our most inovative projects currently in the works that we hope to achieve:

  • Enhanced reality in maxillo-facial surgery
  • “Individualized” facial reconstructions following oncological resections
  • Simulation of morphological modifications to the face following maxillo-facial surgeries
  • Intra-operating visualization in oral and implant surgery

Supporting Face3D research is truly easy.
  • You can give support through a generic donation to Face3D

    or by making a donation aimed at funding a specific research project.
  • All donations can be made via wire transfer payable to:

    Fondazione FACE3D
    IBAN: IT15 M 05387 02400 000002331011
  • 5x1000

    You can do it giving your 5x1000 free of cost.

    Find out how
Remember that your donation is tax deductible